Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association®
Our mission is supporting veterans organizations and charities through fund-raising events, education, and awareness. The CVMA is a motorcycle association, not a club. We enjoy riding together and participating in our events and supporting motorcycle and veteran related events in our communities. Details of membership in the CVMA can be found on the CVMA national web site. Click here to be directed to the national home page.

Chapter Officers
Scr3wz (Stan Cruz)
Bebop (Brittany Hopkins)
Rooster ()
Peasant (Steven Ocker)
EBAY (Myron Grant)
SuzieQ (Patricia Terry)
State Officers
Doc (Billy Curtis)
Smokey (Brian Wall)

If you have submitted an application for membership, please make sure to contact one of the officers to let them know. Please stay in contact with that officer until the application process has been completed.
Membership Information
(This is from the National CVMA site)
We are an Association of Combat Veterans from all branches of the United States Armed Forces who ride motorcycles as a hobby. As a registered 501(c)(19) veterans’ charity, our mission is to support and protect those who have defended our country and our freedoms. Our focus is to provide assistance and help to individual veterans, veteran care facilities, other veteran organizations and registered charities. We sponsor and participate in many veteran-related motorcycle (and other) charity events each year, and as a non-profit organization, donate to various veteran causes.
Our membership is comprised of Full Members (those with verified combat service), Supporter Members (those who have non-combat military service and have a strong dedication to helping veterans), and Auxiliary Members (Spouses of both Full and Support members). We have members from all 50 states and numerous countries abroad, including combat areas.
Please note that we are an ASSOCIATION and NOT a MOTORCYCLE CLUB (MC). Although we may be in a geographic area, we do not claim territory. We do not have a club house. We do not wear cuts or colors, but rather vests. The patch on our back is one piece.
Riding Guidelines
Here are a couple of things to keep in mind when riding together:
Ride in a staggered formation
Use proper hand signals ( click here for a link to a guide by the MSF )
Be Respectful of other riders and groups
If you are uncomfortable riding in a group, please ride at the back of the group
Good rule of thumb, if you can see the face of the rider to your left in their mirror, you are at a good distance
If you have any questions, please see one of the Road Captains before the ride starts
Please take a moment and click here to read the CVMA National Protocol

How do I become a member?You can fill out and submit the Contact Us form at the bottom of this site and someone will be in touch with you. (Please ensure your email address is correct before submitting. You can also fill out the form on the National site by clicking here.
Where can I find contact information for Chapter officers?On the Chapters website you can find the email address of all the officers email address. At the end of this welcome packet you can find the phone numbers for them as well. Most of us can be reached on Facebook as well.
How do I get to the Chapters private Facebook page?Speak with your sponsor and they will be able to help you find it and get you connected.
What is the Facebook page used for?The page is used to communicate with the rest of the chapter. You will find information on events, rides, discussions, and a lot of other information.
What is the Facebook page not used for?It is not used to discuss Chapter business, post angrily, disrespect anyone, post jokes, or obscene materials. Please remember that there are more than just 7-1 members on our page, so anything that is put on that page is considered to be public information. Chapters officers do reserve the right to delete any post that is considered inappropriate.
How do I log into the national website?Go to http://www.combatvet.org and click on “Create Login” in the right hand side of the page and follow the instructions posted on the page.
How can I find out what events are going on in Arkansas, both CVMA related and other events?"Click on the following link: http://ar71cvma.org/events.htm You will find events listed for stuff going on around the state.
When are Chapter meetings and where are they?Chapter meetings are on the third Saturday of the month, unless otherwise informed. Meetings are held at various locations around the Central Arkansas area. Please consult the calendar for the location of the next upcoming meeting. The meetings start at 11 am, keep an eye on Facebook for rides to the meeting.
Where can I find our National and Chapter by-laws?National by-laws can be found on the National website under the repository but you will need a logon to view them. The Chapter by-laws can be found on our Chapter website on the “Chapter By-Laws” tab.
When will I get my patch?Depends, most of the time it is within a month. If you havenʼt gotten it within a month please let someone know. It will be presented to you during a Chapter meeting.
What does our patch colors stand for, and what does the skull and spade represent?"Red, representing the blood that has been shed on the battlefield. Military Gold, representing all branches of the military service of the United States. Black, representing the heavy hearts possessed for those who gave their lives and for those that are considered missing in action or prisoners of war. The Skull and Ace of Spade represents the death that war leaves in its wake. When you wear you patch you are not only represent the CVMA but all of our Brothers and Sisters at arms. When you wear the patch ALWAYS treat others with respect. You can find more information on the history of the CVMA here https://www.combatvet.org/history/
Where can I learn about the biker culture and protocol?First you must understand that we are not a MC we are an association but we live with in the biker community. You will be alright as long as your always remember to give respect to get respect. You can find a great guide on this here http://www.rcvsmc.net
When do I get a road name?You pick your own road name. However, you may get one chosen for you if you donʼt pick one in a timely manner. You may also get renamed if you do something epic and you get tagged in remembrance.
Where are all the Chapters located?Arkansas has a few Chapters and Detachments across the state. AR 7-1 is based out of the Little Rock area, AR 7-2 is based out of the Rogers area (click here for their website), AR 7-3 is out of the Fort Smith area, AR 7-4 is based out of Hot Springs (click here for their website), AR 7-5 is based out of White Hall, AR 7-6 is based out of Morrilton , AR 7-7 is in the Jonesboro area, and 7-8 is out of the Tumbling Shoals area. The main thing to remember is that we do not have territory, these Chapters are just based out of these areas.